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“Memory Lane” Illustration

December 14, 2009

I’m working on an idea based off the book “The Mysteries of Harris Burdick“.  The book displays black and white images along with a caption and headline that leaves readers open to interpretation about the story.  I’ve came up with a caption and headline inspired by an Elliott Smith song titled “Memory Lane”.

This post is an update from my Sketches for “Memory Lane” Illustration post 2 weeks ago.  Above is a description of what I’ve been working on.  My caption is “Memory Lane” and the headline is “A place where suffering is just a game.”  Below is a scan of the final illustration and a picture I snapped on ‘photo booth’ to show it from a distance.  It was done with graphite on cold press illustration board and took around 10 hours to complete the final rendering not including the time it took for the pre-sketches and transferring.  Oh yeah on a side not: I always try to perfect things so much to the point where I screw things up!  I accidently tore the paper at the very end :(

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